Freaks of nature, we've all seen them. Frogs with three legs. Jackrabbits with antlers. This is your home for animals that are slightly odd and freaky.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Best wishes to the cool Cats and hot Dawgs of the Winter Olympics!
My kids & I love this blog. We really like your other blog, too but the kids think it's a bit "educational". Truth is, they secretly like that about it.
Favorite sport? Definitely curling...but I'm watching the games from Salt Lake, home of the 2002 Olympics. The highlight reels over in Torino use footage from the SLC games--go USA!
Some of your pictures are really seamless-You do a great job! Keep it up
So that's what my black kitty gets up to when I'm gone!
My favourite winter Olympic sport would have to be the one with cute little pandas firing pistols. Or is that a summer sport?
My kids & I love this blog. We really like your other blog, too but the kids think it's a bit "educational". Truth is, they secretly like that about it.
Thanks for visiting my blog!
i've never seen the skeleton racing, so i'm excited about that!!
Teddie looks rather smart getting ready to ski! =D
Thanks for visiting my blog =)
btw Kauai is the best place on the PLANET =)
Favorite sport? Definitely curling...but I'm watching the games from Salt Lake, home of the 2002 Olympics. The highlight reels over in Torino use footage from the SLC games--go USA!
Thanks for dropping by my blog Paul.
Rose DesRochers
LOL~ I saw your comment on my blog, and that led me here... what a funny site! I'll be around more often!
I love it! I have been visiting your "other" blog and somehoe missed this one! What a treasure!
I'd have to say speed skating. I think I'd look great in those skin tight suits!
Thanks for visiting my blog!
I'm looking forward to Figure Skating this week! =)
Our cat, Seymour, looks just like this cat. Abe took one look and said, "That's Seymour!" Thank goodness are animals are still OK.
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