Freaks of nature, we've all seen them. Frogs with three legs. Jackrabbits with antlers. This is your home for animals that are slightly odd and freaky.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Today the O'Possum family traded in their SUV for the highly fuel efficient Honda Civic. Now their carbon footprint is smaller and the world is a better place.
I had to tell you, I saw a new Target Commercial last night, and thought of you! It was a bunch of cats dressed up and eating in a restaurant! LOL< I turned to my husband and started LOL saying, "this reminds me of a blog I like..." You'll have to watch for it! I think it came on ABC or CBS between 9 and 11 pm!
And they probably drive better than most of the people here in Florida!
Would the O'Possum family approve of a hybrid SUV?
*grumble* I can't believe auto manufacturers still think gasoline is the best fuel source possible.
Fantastic photoshopping, as always!
I had to tell you, I saw a new Target Commercial last night, and thought of you! It was a bunch of cats dressed up and eating in a restaurant! LOL< I turned to my husband and started LOL saying, "this reminds me of a blog I like..." You'll have to watch for it! I think it came on ABC or CBS between 9 and 11 pm!
I love talking animal commercials!
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