Freaks of nature, we've all seen them. Frogs with three legs. Jackrabbits with antlers. This is your home for animals that are slightly odd and freaky.
It's true, it really makes no sense and could in fact be called slightly sketchy. But the game must remain balanced or else it would not at all be a game.
My child said "because the paper covers the rock." haha So then I called him over to see the picture. We enjoyed looking at this blog together. Thanks for brightening our morning.
It's true, it really makes no sense and could in fact be called slightly sketchy. But the game must remain balanced or else it would not at all be a game.
aaaaa I wasnt aware of this blog, its very nice and fun, hihihi, I will visit it together with your other blog:)
My child said "because the paper covers the rock." haha
So then I called him over to see the picture. We enjoyed looking at this blog together. Thanks for brightening our morning.
And thank you for stopping by spot earilier too.
Yeah, I wondered about that too. But I tend to overthink things!
(Resolves to stop overthinking for the weekend...)
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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